UK Publication Day!
It’s been over two and a half years of writing and editing and doubting and hoping and wishing and finally I can say that my first novel, The Silent Treatment, is out now!
While it has never been a stranger time to be publishing a book (I’ll have to wait a little while until I can see it on a bookshop shelf…), I so hope that The Silent Treatment will still reach as many readers as possible and touch lots of hearts along the way. After all, it’s a story about a love that speaks louder than words and that has never been more important than during the darkest of days.
If you would like to buy a copy, you can order a hardback online from Waterstones or Amazon. You may also spot one in the wild in Tesco or Asda, if you are going there anyway for your weekly shop! And The Silent Treatment is also available in e-Book and audio today, in case you feel like mixing things up.
A huge thanks to everyone for their support to date - I’m so very grateful.